cracking the toefl ibt part 9

The Complete Guide to the TOEFL IBT part 9

The Complete Guide to the TOEFL IBT part 9

Ngày tải lên : 24/10/2013, 01:15
... In the parliamentary system, the elected assembly (the parliament) has most of the power. There is no separate executive branch. The prime minister and the other ministers the cabinet, in other ... parliament) has most of the power. There is no separate executive branch. The author says that the prime minister and the other ministers the cabinet, in other words—are members of the assembly, and must ... will vary. The speaker should first give the topic of the reading (film noir) and then summarize the reading: film noir is a dark, gloomy type of film made in the 194 0’s and 195 0’s. These movies...
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Tài liệu Mastering skills for the toefl ibt part 9 doc

Tài liệu Mastering skills for the toefl ibt part 9 doc

Ngày tải lên : 24/12/2013, 02:17
... foreigners from the north had founded the civilization. After another archaeologist contradicted the official theory, the site was closed off. Eventually, people recognized the reality behind the racist ... subpopulations because they are smaller and are located in novel ecosystems. After the change, the new species might compete with and exterminate the old species. The new theory is not in conflict with the standard ... to produce the desired emotions. As the professor points out, atonal compositions utilized the chromatic scale rather than the major or minor scales. The chromatic scale includes 12 notes, all the notes...
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Tài liệu Speaking and Writing Strategies for the TOEFL iBT part 9 pptx

Tài liệu Speaking and Writing Strategies for the TOEFL iBT part 9 pptx

Ngày tải lên : 24/12/2013, 09:17
... object (the internet). Together, they form the subject. The verbs and their objects are the predictors joined by the conjunction and . Using the internet increases the risk of identify theft ... place. Using the internet increases the risk of identify theft and the risk of downloading viruses. The first sentence is a general thesis (O). It identifies the topic and the test-taker’s ... In a predictor thesis, the independent clause states your opinion about the topic in the prompt. The independent clause connects to the dependent clause with a conjunction. The dependent...
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